The following article is by Steven Bancarz. I find it is one of the best articles available on universal consciousness. -Nancy
Are our minds connected to one another? Some phenomena people point to for evidence of this include telepathic experiences and psychic abilities. We all know what it’s like to know what a friend is going to say right before they say it. But there is an entirely new field of evidence that exists which gives serious credence to the idea that our minds are connected at a much more intimate level than ever imagined.
This may seem like a far out idea, but is it possible that our thoughts create fields of information that go into the Global Mind we share? What if consciousness is not created in the brain, but is received by the brain in the same way a cable box receives satellite signals? Is it possible our thoughts might create “thought fields” that can interact with the thought fields of others?
There is a fascinating phenomenon in science known as the “multiples effect“. The multiples effect is when multiple people geographically isolated from one another come up with the exact same discovery at the exact same time. People who have absolutely no communication with one another come upon the exact same discoveries and inventions at the same time, often not realizing that their idea has already been recently presented to the public by someone working on the same problem.
By 1922, there had been 148 major scientific breakthroughs identified to have been discovered in such a way. Here are just a FEW major examples:
– Evolution (Darwin and Wallace)
– Calculus (Newton and Leibniz)
– Decimal fractions – 3 people
– Sunspots – 4 people in 1611
– Law of conservation of energy – 4 people in 1847
– Steamboat – 4 people
– Telescope – 9 people
– Thermometer – 6 people
Here are some discoveries which are a little more recent in our times:
– In 2012, the collaborations of the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider independently reported the discovery of a new boson with properties in agreement with the Higgs boson.
The list goes on and on. Some of these discoveries not only happen within the same general time frame, they happen on the exact same day. Can this be attributed to just sheer coincidence? It seems highly unlikely that people, especially ones living hundreds of years ago, would just so happen to stumble upon the same things without even being in communication with each other. Here is a list of all the reported multiples in history.
Imagine two people completely geographically isolated from each other working on the same problem at the same time. They are each intently working on the same exact dilemma, with their thoughts floating around in the consciousness field filling it with data and information which is now more easily accessible to people who desire to solve the same mental problem. The idea of consciousness being a non-local field that we all share is one which is getting some serious attention by people like Dr. Amit Goswami, Dr. John Hagelin, and Dr. Michio Kaku.
But this is not only an effect seen within recent scientific discoveries. Below is a picture of pyramids build in three separate ancient cultures geographically isolated from one another. There is no possible way these cultures would be able to communicate with one another, yet the pyramids they build are exactly alike.
I personally suspect that ancient cultures decided to build calendars, map out constellations, and built architecturally identical pyramids as one another is because our minds are all connected to the Mind Field, which our brains act as receivers for. We already know that our consciousness has energetic effects on all things in creation (thoughts/actions of other people, DNA, quantum objects, electrical circuits, biology, etc), but it appears as though our connection to each other is more than a mere causal influence. There is also a transference of actual information. Our thoughts seem to create a blueprint of information that goes into the consciousness field, allowing others who are intently working on the same problem to have direct access these thoughts and the information they contain.
Your thoughts are more than just biological functions and are even more than just energetic ripples. They are waves of information as well, which is why people who attempt to complete riddles, tests, and even crossword puzzles always have much higher results after the problems have already been worked on and the answers discovered by many people beforehand. This is because the thoughts of the people who worked on it prior to you have already put the answers out into this global databank of information in the consciousness field that we all share.
“The total number of minds in the universe is one.” -Erwin Schrodinger, Nobel Prize in Physics 1933.
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