I think I’m Psychic – so now what?

First off there is nothing to be frightened of when your psychic abilities begin to make themselves known. It is a gift. You are a gift. The first thing to remember is: I only allow information for my higher good or if you will be helping others,  the higher good of my clients. Period. End of Story. That is always the beginning.

So take a deep breath and just feel the energy. Does it feel good, bad or is it just there? If it feels good or if it is just a spirit hanging out, Say to yourself or out loud, “I only will allow messages for higher good.” Then ask, “Is this message for me or for someone else?” Or “Are you one of my Guardians or Teachers?”

Usually when you ask the above questions you get a “Hit.”

Clairsentient -It is a sensation of right,  you feel it

Clairaudient –  you hear “yes” clearly in your ear or sometimes they just talk to you (which can be a bit freaky at first.)

Clairvoyant- sometimes the spirit will nod yes or you see an affirmative sign.

These are just a few of the ways your intuition may present. You can have just one or combinations of many. I believe everyone has intuitive abilities.

The main thing to remember is you are not alone and you are loved. I am excited for you and the incredible journey you are on.

Always remember – If something is not for your higher good why bother with it.

It’s like looking out a peephole at your door, seeing a guy with a knife in his hand and saying, “Maybe I should open the door and see what this guy wants.” Really?

Just say no.

Please feel free to ask any questions you have and I will do my best to answer them.

Love, Light, Laughter and Blessings,
