The Pig Represents:
The pig symbolizes good fortune, wealth, honesty, generosity, hard-working, peace-loving, truthfulness, fun, sincerity, and a great sense of humor.
The Pig in the Family:
For those born in the year of the Pig: Pigs are home-lovers whose prime concern is the family. They are particularly natural beings, shunning displays or pretense, and enjoying company and jollity generally.
Caring and industrious, Pigs are far from lazy; and their homes will bear ample evidence of an aptitude for carpentry, needlework, and other domestic skills.
The Pig in Business
In business, too, Pigs are the finishers, the ones who put the last necessary touches to a project, and in this respect, they may become extremely successful financially. On the debit side, they are native and trusting, failing easy prey to the confidence trickster.
Pig personalities who opt for a career, as distinct from a job, enjoy such caring professions as nursing or counseling. Otherwise the Pig’s genuine concern for others will become apparent through voluntary work and, locally, the Pig will almost certainly be known as a good neighbor.
Hard-working, hospitable, and trusting, the Pig gets on well with most people, generally possessing a large and varied collection of friends. Inevitably some will take advantage; but though this may cause distress, the Pig will not wallow in self-pity nor harbor grudges.