Our Sweetgrass is harvested in Central California by a gentle group of souls who understand that we must nurture Mother Earth. Burn sweetgrass after the sage or cedar has driven out the bad influences. Sweetgrass brings in the good spirits and the good influences. As with cedar, burn sweetgrass while praying sends prayers up to the Creator in the smoke. High Hollow Horn says, in the The Sacred Pipe, “This smoke from the sweetgrass will rise up to you, and will spread throughout the universe. Its fragrance will be known by the wingeds, the four-leggeds, and the two leggeds, for we understand that we are all relatives; may all our brothers be tame and not fear us!” I also was taught to put sweetgrass at above the front door or next to it to keep only the sweet inside the house. Always remember to give thanks for all the wonderful bounty this incredible planet provides.
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