Nitiraj Incense Masterpiece Collection – White Sage


Nitiraj Indian Incense has become one of our bestselling incenses.  There are 14 fragrances to choose from inspired by the spiritual traditions of the East. They are made from scratch using natural resins, aromatic wood powders, spices, and herbs combined with fine quality oils and honey, and then rolled on a bamboo stick These incenses are commonly used to set the mood for meditation, yoga, and relaxation. Once you experience the fragrance you will be life long loyal customer. Experience some of the finest fragrances ever created. A natural fair-trade product blessed in centuries old tradition.

Only 1 left in stock


Nitiraj Masterpiece Collection

Packaging Size:   9 1/8″L X 2 1/4″W X 3.4″H
Weight:                25 grams
Quantity:             Approx: 18 Sticks
Burn Time:          Approx: Approx:  1 Hour (I had one burn for 1 1/2 Hours
Made of:              Wood, Flowers, Roots, Resins, etc.
Color:                   Varies
Made In:              India
Warehouse:        W2-39
Item #:                INNIT-SAG
Price:                   $5.25