Pistacite Crystal
The Awareness Manifester
This is a workhorse of a crystal.
Pistacite or epidote energizes whatever it touches or is around. It can increase that energy. Brings spiritual growth whether you are ready for it or not. It’s best to be ready.
It can be good for generating prosperity. Also moves you into wealth where you have enough to share & be generous.
Pistacite will protect you while you move into spiritual awareness.
Strong Healing Stone on all levels, physical & spiritual. Develops & expands psychic awareness.
For Healers it can gently nudge your client to initiate the healing process, while they realize they must take care of themselves first.
Aid: Stimulates the immune system.
Heart Chakra
Let me know if you would like me to send Reiki. Just send me your name. May you be blessed with Love, Light Laughter and joy! Nancy
Sources for my information:
I have been interacting with crystals since I was a kid. A lot of information comes from experimenting with the stones.
My first Book about Crystals goes back to the 1980’s. It was: “The Crystal Handbook” by Kevin Sullivan (I still have my original copy…yellowed pages and well-loved. I think you can find this used.)
My Second Book about crystals is: “Love is in the Earth” by Melody (We carry all of her books at the store.)
My favorite picture book is: “The Crystal Bible” by Judy Hall (We carry I, 2 and 3 at the store.)
I also love the internet. You can find great information about the crystals online. I like different sites for different reasons.
Also, you should start to keep your own notebook on how your gems and crystals work for you.
Remember Crystals are not to replace your health care professionals. I believe they should be used in conjunction with your regimen to contribute to your overall wellness.

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