It is easy to burn Resin Incense

Resin Incense is incense in its most raw natural state. It is the oldest form of incense and was used in temples, churches and ancient rites.

I use this type of incense for rituals and special events.  It takes a little more preparation and time than lighting an incense stick, but it is well worth the effort.

  1. Use the correct container to burn your charcoal.  I recommend a metal container with a grate.
  2. I like to put sand in the bottom for easy clean up.
  3. Turn the grate over so it is concave.
  4. Light the charcoal.  I start the charcoal outside because it’s “self-lighting” which means lots of sparks and sometimes smoke. I use tongs to help me adjust the charcoal on the grate. Once the sparking stops, I bring it inside.
  5. Turn the charcoal with the little bowl facing up.
  6. Let the charcoal go gray.
  7. Add a little resin (3 – 6 bits or about an 1/8th. of a teaspoon.) Let this melt in and the smoke to dissipate before adding more.
  8. That is it.  Sit back and enjoy the first incense created.  Charcoal and leaves, herbs, sap, etc.

Great youtube on How to use Use Charcoal