Intuition-Listening to your inner voice

I was traveling down Redondo Blvd. from the Long Beach Airport, heading in to Belmont shore, when I hit a red light at Anaheim.  I stopped no one was in front of me  and I start remembering this time when my brother, 16 years old, was  driving us to the Mall (You didn’t have to have a parent with you back then)  We were waiting for the light to turn green so we could turn left onto Carson Street and when the light turned green my brother said, “You have to wait 4 seconds before pulling out after the light turns green.” We were all telling him to quit being an ass when all of a sudden this truck comes barreling through the light, right where we would have been. Had he pulled out we most likely all would have been killed (no airbags back then.)  So why does this random story pop up now.

The light turns green and I don’t go. The white truck next to me starts to pull out and then looks at me and he stops. The guy behind him honks, and then a truck comes barreling through the intersection and runs “the very red light.”  If we would have gone when the light turned green, we would have been hit.  Both my brothers and one sister are dead, maybe they are guardian angels, so when your inner voice speaks it’s probably best you listen.

I know that when I think of this story while driving; I will make sure the intersection is clear before moving forward.