I have a Crystal Ball. I admit I am a fan of all the Woo Woo Stuff. I like crystal gazing, which is also known as crystallism, crystallomancy and more names than I want to remember. It is a form of divination or scrying. Gazing into a crystal ball can lead to seeing visions of the past or future. You may have information download that you need to access for yourself or others. I like to tell people to start gazing at a reflective surface while watching T.V. or doing something else. Every once in a while gaze at the surface and jot down anything you see or remember. This is a simple method to start gazing and see if you like it or have a proclivity towards it. For me, everything falls away and I see things. Sometimes they have meaning and sometimes I have no clue what it’s about, but I always enjoy it. It’s a form of meditation for me. The picture of the crystal ball above popped up when I was trying for a photo like the one below. I was mesmerized by what came up in the photo. Both images look like the crystal balls have little universes residing inside them.
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