Business Been Bad – Try Citrine

Citrine Cluster
Citrine Cluster

Business been bad, want a new job or just want the workplace to feel better? – Put a citrine crystal in your desk, cash register or at the computer where you are writing your resume. Citrine is my go-to stone for any type of business. It is like a Golden Ray of Sunshine coming down and lighting as well as warming every item it touches. Think problem solving, new beginnings, business relationships. This stone brightens even the darkest corner. Because it never needs cleansing, it is always there doing its work. It helps you focus on the job or duty at hand so you feel energized rather than exhausted. Citrine really does make the connection that you need money to buy goods that are necessary for survival and that is O.K. you not only can, you will.

Sources for my information:

I have been interacting with crystals since I was a kid. A lot of information comes from experimenting with the stones.

My first Book about Crystals goes back to the 1980’s. It was: “The Crystal Handbook” by Kevin Sullivan (I still have my original copy…yellowed pages and well-loved. I think you can find this used.)

My Second Book about crystals is: “Love is in the Earth” by Melody (We carry all of her books at the store.)

My favorite picture book is: “The Crystal Bible” by Judy Hall (We carry I, 2 & 3 at the store.)

I also love the internet. You can find great information about the crystals online. I like different sites for different reasons.

Also, you should start to keep your own notebook on how your gems and crystals work for you.

Tumbled Citrine
Tumbled Citrine