What is Ostara, Spring Equinox or Vernal Equinox: Ostara, Spring Equinox or Vernal Equinox is when the world strikes the perfect balance on the Wheel of the Year! We have…
Author: zfadmin
Archangel Metatron
Who is Archangel Metatron: I see Archangel Metatron as a great listening and teaching angel, perhaps an angelic empath so great, that if he doesn’t help mankind to find their…
Bloodstone or Heliotrope
Bloodstone also known as Heliotrope Properties: Stone of Courage. Be right here-right now. Intense Healer Halts Bleeding. Used for breaking old patterns. Grounding. Avoid Danger and instills strength in extreme…
A Customer complained about me being Happy.
I had a customer complain about me always being happy. She came in and asked, ” Is the Sandalwood Incense in today?” “Not yet,” I replied, “I had to order…
You are living in a great time.
You are part of something remarkable going on right now! The Piscean Era is on it’s way out and we are ushering in the Age of Aquarius. What does that…
Are you living the life you want?
Something finally shifted. What heavy oppressive energy we had the past few weeks. Moving into Fall can be difficult. I have been walking around with my labradorite (the big one)…
What makes you happy?
I went camping in Malibu. For me camping is what takes me to my happy place. Being outside, well, it just heals me. I know this works for me and…
Do you want to change? I give you permission.
I had a woman come in the store last week almost in tears. She said she didn’t want to do Thanksgiving this year. I said, “I give you permission to…
Hanksite Crystal – Stone of Clarity and Truth
Hanksite Stone of Clarity and Truth Properties: Hanksite can help access information from the ancients. Move between dimensions and utilize that knowledge to help you navigate your life now. Strong…
Do you need that, just want that or does it transport you?
Most of you have heard me talk someone out of buying something or maybe it was you. So what’s up with a shop owner…saying don’t shop! I was in a…
Fall in Big Bear
New Moon Energy in Pisces. It is all about the healing on any level you need it. Perhaps it’s physical, or mental and spiritual is where I feel a need…