The Healing Power of Rose Quartz for Pets As pet owners, we want to create the best possible environment for our furry friends, ensuring they feel safe, loved, and happy….
Author: zfadmin
Bloodstone for dogs
The Power of Bloodstone Crystal for Our Furry Friends As pet owners, we’re always looking for ways to enhance our pets’ well-being, both physically and emotionally. One intriguing option is…
Let’s shift some energy – Full Moon Time
Full Moon energy is here! Let that sh**…stuff go! It’s time. We are moving faster and faster on the information highway. It’s time to let go of anything that doesn’t…
Archangels Quick Guide
Archangels Lift Us Up! This quick guide will help you pick the angel that best meets your needs. Heaven is very organized, all celestial beings have a specific work to…
I just whipped up a batch of Vesta Powder
I use Vesta Powder to dispel dark, old stuffy energy. This honors the Goddess of the Hearth – Vesta. She represents Fire and Motherhood or Maternity. The History of Vesta…
Covid-19 Store Update
I am open! Monday 11am-6pm Closed: Tuesday & Wednesday Thursday-Saturday: 11am – 6pm Sunday 11am -5pm Masks are required in the store along with 6′ distancing. All readers are available…
Metaphysical Meaning of Crystals, Gems and Minerals A -Z
This list is one I am currently working on. I have information from the many years ago that I am adding in as well as photos. If you have something…
A little piece of my story
I had to go get ice on the way home from work yesterday. (The new refrigerator still had not arrived.) The Liquor Store was the closest place near my house…
Power Mini Bracelets Gemstone Properties
This is a quick reference quide to the properties of the 4 mm power mini bracelets we carry. We try to have these bracelets in stock all of the time,…
It is easy to burn Resin Incense
Resin Incense is incense in its most raw natural state. It is the oldest form of incense and was used in temples, churches and ancient rites. I use this type…
Madame Nilene’s Blessing Oils
Madame Nilene’s Blessing oils are all about the higher good. Always remember to ask for what is in your higher good before using Madame Nilene’s Blessing Oils. These oils can…