Ask Archangel Gabriel if you have questions of your life purpose, career etc…

The only Archangel depicted as female in art and literature, Gabriel is known as the “messenger” Angel. She announced to Mary that she was to be the mother of God.

She is one of the four Archangels named in Hebrew tradition and is considered one of the two highest-ranking Angels in Judeo-Christian and Islamic religious lore. Apart from Michael, she is the only Angel mentioned by name in the Old Testament.

She is a considered a powerful and strong Archangel.  She is known as “the power of God.” If you call upon her you will find themself pushed into actions that leads to beneficial results. Ask for Gabriel’s guidance if you have strayed from your soul’s pathway, if you wish to understand your life plan and purpose. She can also help if you can find no reason for being or if changes are ahead and you need guidance. If you are contemplating a house move, major purchase or thinking of changing careers.

Archangel are believed to be the attendants of God by the ancient Babyionians. Judaism and catholisim also have these spiritual creatures in their belief system.